Wisconsin Independent Charter School Advocates Hires Executive Director

The Wisconsin Independent Charter School Advocates (WICSA) has named Jim Bender Executive Director. Jim has consulted with WICSA for the past year, and has led the newly formed organization through the state budget process and Supreme Court challenge. WICSA selected Mr. Bender to continue to lead the organization along this path of achievement.
A small business owner, former legislative staffer, former president of a statewide school choice organization and current President of Bender Consulting, Jim has a long track record of impacting education policy in Wisconsin. As a member of the Design Team for the Statewide Report Card, a member of the Education Committee for the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) and a member of the Selection Committee for the UW System’s Office of Educational Opportunity, Jim’s working knowledge of the education landscape is ideal for this position.
In particular, Mr. Bender’s fluency in state education funding was a critical part of the legal strategy in pushing back against a constitutional legal challenge. Additionally, his relationships with state legislators during the recent budget negotiations were vital to securing the largest funding increase for Independent Charter schools in their history.
WICSA is a statewide membership organization that advocates on behalf of Independent Charter schools. For more information, feel free to reach out to Dr. Kristi Cole, Board Chairperson, kristi.cole@tlabeloit.com or visit WICSA.org.


Update: Right to Read Act