July 5, 2023 Update

Dear WICSA Members,

Today, Governor Evers signed the state budget bill with several line-item vetoes. Within this two-year budget cycle, none of the vetoes impact the funding deal that was put in place earlier this year.

The result is a historic increase in funding for Independent Charter Schools. WICSA worked closely with numerous groups and advocates to lobby the legislature and governor to achieve this goal.

The funding levels are set for 2023-24 and 2024-25 with two separate bills. According to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the 2022-23 funding level was $9,264. Senate Bill 330 added a one-time gap closure amount of $1,727 (15.7% of low-revenue ceiling) to create a new base funding amount of $10,991.

With the signing of the state budget bill today, additional index funding increases also apply. These index increases are a combination of revenue limit adjustments for traditional public schools and overall categorical aid increases.

In 2023-24, there will be an additional $394 of index increase for a per-pupil funding amount of $11,385. In the 2024-25 school year, an additional $344 of index increase will be added for a per-pupil funding amount of $11,729.

There is also an increase in Categorical Aids including a 30% to 33% increase in Special Education. As more details come out from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau about specific aids, we will pass them onto you.


Howard Fuller, WICSA Board Chair
Jim Bender, WICSA Lobbyist


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